Feel More Supported And Confident In Parenting From Your Heart Instead Of How You Were Conditioned To Parent

for those who know deep down that our peace in parenthood is not dependent on our children's behavior or temperament but is instead a manifestation of the love, joy, and peace we give ourselves permission to feel within

I did NOT stop creating video content. It's just that content created daily as of July 2024 is sent to those subscribed to the email list or the parents in either of the two programs I offer one of which is this Parenting From Peace Now monthly partnership with me! Talk with you soon!

Some of what you receive:

✅1 on 1 personalized support via check in forms sent each week allowing you to get high value coaching and mentorship. 20-60+ minute video sessions sent to you directly for you only. A co-active flow where we level up together and where even though we are not having 1 on 1 sessions weekly there is still space held for you to allow your inner wisdom to shine through in a way that empowers us in parenting from our peace moving forward

Access to any of the 4 workshops held each month where you receive live coaching when you feel inspired to join. It is never mandatory for you to join the workshops, but the space is held if you feel inspired to co-create with me 1 on 1 on zoom face to face in a way that empowers us to experience more peace in parenthood in the week ahead

Access to exclusive content in the private peaceful and empowered parenting Telegram channel where content is added weekly (oftentimes daily) that is not placed anywhere else (Telegram is a free app on iOS and Android). Parents comment on the social media posts asking that I continue to create content. I do put a video up here and there on all platforms, but mainly it is written content. Videos and more in depth and transformative content is created and sent daily to those in either the 3 or 6 months program with me, this Parenting From Peace Now months partnership with me, and the parents who on the free email subscription with me which can be signed up at www.michellebowen.space

Access to 20+ empowered parenting methods/game plans that help us experience more peace in parenthood. There is a lot of content in the course portion of the partnership with me, more in the Telegram channel, and then there are unique game plans co-created in the video sessions in our co-active flow that occurs when/if you take advantage of the check in forms sent to you weekly. Unique-to-you peaceful and empowered parenting game plans and ecosystems that help you break cycles of overwhelm, screaming, spanking, and power struggles. In addition there are often game plans co-created in the workshops held 4 times per month!

High value support that is focused on implementing and getting results as you go

Self-paced. there is no rush. You can take your time with every aspect of this program.

Cancel anytime… Rejoin anytime

$49.36/month (workshops, 1 on 1 personalized coaching and mentorship, exclusive content & more)

DISCLAIMER (read fully before investing): Part of Parenting From Peace Now is receiving in depth high vibe and transformative 1 on 1 support via the check in forms sent out weekly via email and the co-active flow between you and I that follows which includes recorded video sessions specific to you along with your ability to co-create with me and join any of the 4 workshops held monthly that you feel inspired to join.


However, for more in depth 1 on 1 mentorship which includes private messaging me anytime and receiving content created specific to you and 60 minute weekly face to face 1on1 online sessions check out the 3 month and 6 month partnerships at www.michellebowen.space

Participants in the 3 or 6 month partnerships also get access to the course content and telegram channel for FREE after completing our time together.

I share this to help you gain a better understanding of what is provided so you can choose the option that provides you the most value specific to your needs.

Although Parenting From Peace Now monthly partnership with me provides a lot including 1 on 1 support... the private messaging and DMs throughout the day feature is support that is provided only to those in either a 3 or 6 month partnership.

If you have any questions email me at [email protected]

Talk with you soon!!

xo Michelle

Danialle Cooper

(12 Week Leveling Up With Michelle Program - 2024)

Michelle has the most incredible energy. She is extremely passionate & amazing at what she does. I’m proud to share that I took this course with all of my friends and colleagues. It has been the most helpful and rewarding journey so far. My children are 5 & 9, I have a strong willed child who is beyond intelligent. I struggle greatly with screaming every day. After these 12 weeks I truly do feel peace with my children and myself. I’m grateful for all of the support and time I had. I feel a deeper connection with my children and respected, in a give & take way. There are still plenty of difficult moments, but nowhere near where we all were. Things feel easier, more organized and planned out. It takes work and can sometimes feel like a lot at times, but totally worth the effort.

Shannon Heth

(FREE 30 minute breakthrough session - 2023)

I booked a 30 minute session with Michelle and am so deeply moved by everything that I learned. I have been struggling with parenting my kids (6 and 7) and was feeling so stuck and unsure of what to do. Getting feedback from Michelle and learning her perspective on the situation just opened my eyes so much- she gave me gems of wisdom that are already helping my family just four hours after the session. She gave me some specific tips that are working mind blowingly well - I am actually shocked at how quickly my boys are responding to an intentionally softer and kinder tone from me when telling them no to something. I feel so positive about my family and finally feel like I am doing the right thing, and am also capable of doing this and being a good mom! I feel so grateful for Michelle she really just understands- I went into the session with high hopes and was still just blown away <3

Alyssa Smart-Patterson

(FREE personalized peaceful and empowered parenting toolkit - 2023)

I absolutely love that the plans were tailored for my family's needs! I started right away and by day 2! I saw results! I l also like how easy and simplistic she made the plans. This allows for me to not overthink and redirects me back to how I feel and what my goal or intention is. I just love her overall demeanor. Very polite, engaging and encouraging. Thank you so much! Keep up the great work!

Emma Zamora

(Parenting From Peace Program - 2023)

I am beyond grateful for you Michelle!!!! Thank you for supporting me until the end. Thanks to your coaching, my family and I are incredibly closer and we have found so much peace. You have been so amazing to me and where there for me and made it a safe place for me to share. Thank You so much! <3<3<3

If you are reading this, this is your sign!!! <3 <3 <3 <3

Renelle Martin

(12 Week Leveling Up With Michelle Program - 2022)

I first discovered Michelle on the Inner Guidance Daily podcast and I am so grateful that our paths crossed! After a one-on-one parent empowerment coaching session, I knew that I needed to dive deeper with her. She is supernaturally gifted at holding space and remaining non-judgmental when you open up to her about all the ways you feel that you have failed in parenting. After 3 months immersed with her as a coach, I have become a more peaceful and engaged parent.

Michelle taught me that our children’s behavior is jet fuel for us to bring ALL of ourselves here now. This sounds uncomfortable and difficult but she is available and very responsive whenever you need to talk through these challenging moments. Thank you so much Michelle for teaching me how to listen to and trust the guidance from my higher self. You have made a significant impact on my family and how I choose to parent. <3

Laura Soben

(7 Week Leveling Up With Michelle Program - 2022)

Our family is so grateful to Michelle!!!! Our precious 5 year old was going through some big fits and the harmony of our home felt thrown off prior to seeking out Michelle. We did her 7 week training and it is truly the best money we have ever spent! She supported, guided and led us back to our peace and intuition. Forever grateful because our 5 year old is thriving and the leader of peace and harmony in the home now. Such a difference. Michelle’s techniques can be applied to every relationship. My husband and I did the program together and it united us even more. Can’t recommend Michelle enough!

Angela Jones

(12 Week Leveling Up With Michelle Program & 7 Week Leveling Up With Michelle Program- 2022)

Michelle is an absolute gem. I feel incredibly honored and grateful that our paths crossed and we were able to work together. She provides a safe space to share without judgment and continual opportunities to grow, not only as a parent, but as an individual. She felt like a best friend and I’ve leaned and grown so much through this container with her. Forever grateful!

Ieshia W.

(90 Minute Peaceful & Empowered Parenting Breakthrough Session - 2022)

I was lead to purchase coaching services after finding much benefit from her Tik Tok account. It was a really great session, and it gives very practical guidance. I will be signing up for another session soon.

Claire Stewart

(6 Week Leveling Up With Michelle Program - 2021)

Michelle is quite possibly the only person who I've felt unconditionally accepted by. I've never met a more generous and supportive person.

Michelle's coaching has provided the scaffolding I needed to believe in myself and in my commitment to myself and my family. As a result I am a much more aware and compassionate person and parent. I feel truly blessed to have met Michelle and to be able to learn from her. I will forever be grateful for her!

Claire Stewart

(6 Week Leveling Up With Michelle Program - 2021)

Michelle is quite possibly the only person who I've felt unconditionally accepted by. I've never met a more generous and supportive person.

Michelle's coaching has provided the scaffolding I needed to believe in myself and in my commitment to myself and my family. As a result I am a much more aware and compassionate person and parent. I feel truly blessed to have met Michelle and to be able to learn from her. I will forever be grateful for her!

Krista Leroux

(2 Week Leveling Up With Michelle Program - 2021)

There are literally no words to describe the growth/love/expansion/life changing magic that I experienced in my coaching container with Michelle... but I'm gonna try my best.

I instantly felt like I was talking to my best friend, without ever having met in person. Michelle held loving space for all the emotions, struggles and triumphs that came along the way. She helped me to see the unconditional love that has always been there, within me, just waiting to burst out.

When I say I am FOREVER elevated by the tools and experiences she helped bring to light, it is no exaggeration and for that I am eternally grateful. This is more than just a coaching container, this is like giving your inner child the biggest, warmest embrace that you can muster and letting them know that everything is and always has been okay. Like you can breathe easier, love harder and even though life and difficult situations will inevitably arise, you have the knowledge forever engrained in you to handle whatever comes your way, with love and connection and purpose. Life changing. Thank you, thank you, thank you.

Claudia Vides

(6 Week Leveling Up With Michelle Program & 12 Week Leveling Up With Michelle Program - 2021)

The intuitive method that Michelle uses led me to confront in just the first two weeks many of the limited beliefs that I have about motherhood and how to grow towards a kinship more similar to the love that I really want to offer my daughters.

Contact Us

email: [email protected]

website: www.michellebowen.space