Feel More Supported And Confident In Parenting From Your Heart Instead Of How You Were Conditioned To Parent

1 on 1 personalized support via check in forms sent each week

access to any of the 4 workshops held each month

access to exclusive content in the private peaceful and empowered parenting Telegram channel where content is added weekly (oftentimes daily) that is not placed anywhere else (Telegram is a free app on iOS and Android)

access to all of the content in the course itself (40+ lessons and 2+ empowered parenting methods/game plans that help us experience more peace in parenthood) - content continuously added to course

high value support that is focused on implementing and getting results as you go for a very low cost - $12/month

(The program’s current extremely low pricing in no way reflects the value of the course. The program has been made $12 per month so that there is no financial barrier to receiving high value mentorship/coaching)

cancel anytime… rejoin anytime

Contact Us

email: [email protected]

website: www.michellebowen.space